

英語で発信!臨床症例提示 -今こそ世界の潮流に乗ろう-

Oral Case Presentation

[第5回]Put first things first!





1)病歴は,現病歴(history of present illness),既往歴(past medical history),家族歴(family history),生活歴(social history)にシステムレビュー(review of systems)を加えた5項目で構成されます。HPIが主訴/来院理由に直結した最重要情報であるのに対し,PMH/FH/SH/ROSは患者背景情報の提供が目的です。施設によってはHPIを除いた4項目をstandard data base(SDB)と一括し,HPIから明確に区別していますので,ご留意ください。


3)主訴/来院理由に関係せず,鑑別診断と治療方針にも関係しないSDB中の情報は一切省略します。その場合,Text Box例文1から例文4までのように,該当情報がない旨を宣言して省略すると,聴者に理解しやすい症例提示になります。



 澱みない論理の流れにいったん慣れてしまった精神には,(a)(b)とも重大なdistractionと映ります。物事を重要度順に述べるというpresentationの原則(Put first things first!)が無視されているからです。明晰な論理を希求する知の働きに素直に従えば,日本式症例呈示も,瞬く間に実践的で楽しいものに生まれ変わるはずです。

 過去のText Box(第1回から第4回まで)のID/CCとHPIにおいて,背景情報SDBがどう織り込まれていたか,再点検してみましょう。

■Contents Index[PMH][FH][SH]


 類似症状の既往がない場合,現病歴に続けてHe has never had similar symptoms before.と述べれば,簡潔な押さえとなります。

 内服中の処方は,His current medication includes spironolactone, furosemide, lactulose, and a multivitamin.と紹介します。頓服は,He uses acetaminophen as needed for his arthritis.です。処方区分prescription or nonprescriptionは,処方薬prescribed medicationsと市販薬over-the-counter medicationsに分けて紹介しますが,処方がなければ,He is on no medications now.と述べます。


 母方maternal,父方paternal,老衰die of “old age",死因不明die of unknown causes,健在alive and wellの表現を覚えましょう。

 感染性疾患,中毒を疑う症例において,家族歴が陰性の場合,He denies anyone in his family having similar problems.と述べることができます。


 “Patient profile(PP)"という言葉でsocial historyを指す場合があります。しかし,施設によっては,PPがidentification dataを指すこともあり,注意が必要です。

 飲酒歴と喫煙歴は,本来,SHに分類されますが(例文13),疾患関連性ゆえ,HPIまたはPMH(例文11)で述べられることが多い2項目です。名詞形表現She is a non-smoker and non-drinker.も役立ちます。

 経験値の低い事象を英語で即座に説明することは困難です。Text box【3】を参考にして,苦手領域の英語表現を開拓しましょう。

■Delivery Index[Pitch & Volume]

 Pitch & Volume(声調/声量)は,広義にはvocal varietyとして把捉可能で,「声の使い方」と一括しても構いません。簡単に実行できる3つの技法をご紹介します。

Speak up!




Presentation Pitch

 素晴らしい症例提示は,必ずや普段よりも大きく張りのある声,幅のある抑揚で行われています。これをpresentation pitch(PP)と定義します。鉄道駅員の構内放送,デパートの店内放送を思いだしてください。それらは普段の声音ではなく,業務用の独特の声音で行われているはずです。社会生活のさまざまな場面で,各々の目的に最適な調律が存在しています。症例提示も例外ではありません。身近なrole modelを探し出し,彼らの技に学びましょう。


 症例提示に限らず,物事の優先順位を明確にすることは大切です。雑用に時間を奪われることなく,自分の目標の達成に向けて,Put first things first!

Text Box
【1】Skips & Shortcuts 緩急強弱自在に話を進めるために有用です
省略して前進する1 The remainder of the history is unremarkable.
 2 The remainder of the past history is not contributory.
特記なく素通りする3 She has no significant past medical history.
 4 His family history and social history are unremarkable.
陽性所見に焦点を当てる5 Past medical history is only significant(or notable, remarkable)for 10 years history of diabetes.
 6 His social history is positive for tremendous stress at work because of the recent turndown in the economy.
 7 There is a strong family history of breast cancer in her maternal family.
陰性所見を切り出し強調する8 His past history is negative for liver diseases or alcohol abuse.
 9 She has no history of systemic lupus erythematosus.
 10 There is no family history of seizures, strokes, dementia, or mental retardation.
【2】基本情報を忠実に網羅する練習 実際の症例提示においては,pertinent positives & negativesだけを切り出します
Past Medical History11 [A 57-year-old Filipino-Hawaiian bank executive female with chest pain](例文11は例文3に縮約可能です)
She has had no major illnesses in the past. She has no known allergies. Her menses stopped three year ago. She has never used oral contraceptives, and is not on post-menopausal hormonal replacement therapy. She takes no other medications or nutraceuticals. She has been hospitalized only for the birth of each of her four children. She has never received a blood transfusion. She does not smoke, drink, or use illicit drugs and denied any such prior use. She does not drink coffee or tea.
Family History12 [A 49-year-old Indonesian female with a lump in her left breast](例文12は例文7に縮約可能です)
Her mother, age 80, is alive and well. Her maternal grandmother and two maternal aunts had breast cancer and died from it. Her father had had hypertension and died of a heart attack at age 72. She has two older sisters, who are both alive and well.
Social History13 [A 68-year-old Portuguese-Chinese male with low back pain]
He has been living alone since his wife died seven years ago. He is a retired heavy equipment operator. He gets no regular exercise, and eats a lot of fast food. He drinks 6-12 beers each week for over 20 years. He had smoked 1-2 packs-per-day of cigarettes for over 50 years, but quit seven year ago.
【3】Standard Data Baseの盲点7項目(I & SMILER)自分の苦手分野を探し出し,日頃から意識して英語表現を補強しましょう
Immunizations14 He got full childhood immunizations, recent tetanus booster and, annual flu shot.
 15 She has never received pneumococcal vaccine and the immunization series for hepatitis B.
Sexual History16 He is gay. He and his partner have been monogamous for the past three years.
 17 She has a steady boyfriend. She is sexually active and states they use condoms.
Military Experience18 He sustained shrapnel wound in his right shoulder during tour of duty in Vietnam, 1969, U.S. Army.
Immigration19 She was born in Malaysia and immigrated to Hawaii with her family when she was six years old.
Language20 He is a native speaker of Cantonese and fluent in English and Mandarin.
Ethnicity21 She is Tagalog and her husband is African-American.
Religion22 He is a Jehovah's Witness and refuses blood transfusions even when an emergency occurs in his surgery.
 23 She and her husband are both devout Catholics and declines to abort the fetus.

E-mail: nakaya@deardoctor.ac

京大工学部修士課程終了。阪大医学部卒。東京医大八王子医療センター腎臓科助手を経て現職。ハワイ大医学部初の日本人PBLチューターおよびカリキュラム開発者。次世代教育triple jump & problem solving研究主幹。