

英語で発信!臨床症例提示 -今こそ世界の潮流に乗ろう-

Oral Case Presentation

[第4回]Practice Makes Perfect!





 私たち日本人は,症例提示に際し「絶対年月日表示」(absolute chronological representation)を使用する悪い習慣を身につけています(表1)。スライドも印刷物もない状態で表1の発表を聞いていると,どうしようもないいらだちに駆られます。その淵源たる致命的な欠陥は,次の2点です。






表1 口頭症例提示の悪い見本 (自験症例「劇症肝炎」を改変・簡略化し引用)

■Contents Index [HPI]



【手順1】適切な時間起点(anchor point)を立てます。受診,入院,手術,退院(discharge),再入院(readmission)から必要に応じて1つまたは複数を選択します。

【手順2】すべての時間経過(time course)を,時間起点からの差分による相対経過表示(relative chronological representation)に換算します。計算は億劫ですが,慣れの問題です。

【手順3】相対経過表示された各要素を,適切な時間展開表現(signposts & transitions)でつなぎ合わせます。


 前述の手順に従った2例をText Boxにあげました。ハイライト部分に注意しながら,音読してください。英語特有の時間展開表現に常日頃から注意を払い,ご自身の定番表現を集成していきましょう。そして,それらを惜しみなく使用することが,上手な症例提示の秘訣です。


 初診first(initial)visit,前回受診last visit,今回来院this visitのように,visitを核に据えます。「1か月後の再診」one-month follow-up visit,「2週間後に再診する予定です」The patient would see us back in two weeks.といった診療計画を述べるための表現も重要です。


 (1) 入院前:入院日を起点とし,入院20日前twenty days before admissionと表現します。

 (2) 入院日(時):on admission, on the day of admission, at the time of admission

 (3) 入院後:入院日から起算し,入院第7病日をon the 7th hospital dayと表現します。On the patient's 2nd hospital day, on her/his 4th hospital day, on the 10th day, on day 12 in the hospital, on day 13のように言い換え/簡略化を工夫することも可能です。集中治療では,入院後4時間four hours after admissionのように,容態安定まで,ないし入院後48時間ぐらいまでは必要に応じて時間単位で提示します。それ以降は,72 hours after admissionやthree days after admissionではなく,再度on the third hospital dayに切り換えます。

■Delivery Index [Pronunciation]




 「最大多数」組が存在しない人種の坩堝では,前述の認識は至極当たり前です。筆者が現在PBLを指導している5名の米国人医学生は,全員民族的背景が異なり,互いに独自のaccentを有しています。しかし,毎回200 words per minute×180 minutesの討論の場で,発音が問題になったことは一度もありません。発音の違いを「間違い」として正そうとするpoliticsも存在しません。お互いに異なっていることが大前提なので,どんな発音もnormal variantsの1つに過ぎないという寛容が存在します。


 蓋し,発音は大切です。しかし,同じ代価を払うならば,発音よりもarticulationにまず集中しましょう。articulationの成立には,「正しい」発音が必要とされますが,たとえ「間違って」いても,1つひとつの単語,1つひとつの音節を明瞭に発音する態度(articulate)は,聴者にGood articulation!の印象を抱かせ,翻っては,発音に関するfeedbackを得る好機を生み出します。不明瞭で曖昧な構語に対しては,発音に関するコメントの出しようもないからです。



表2 Japanese accentを理解するための医学英単語Top 60
□Achilles' tendon
□anus, anal
□aorta, aortic
□Escherichia coli
□Helicobacter pylori
□nevus, nevi

♪ 間奏曲

Practice, practice, practice. Only perfect practice makes perfect!

Text Box

[Sample 1]外来再診症例


This is a 16-year-old Thai male who returned to our clinic for a progressively worsening cough and blood-tinged sputum. This visit is one week earlier than the scheduled follow-up.


He had been well until four weeks earlier, when he had a dry cough without difficulty breathing, fever, or chills. One week later, he first came to our clinic for the evaluation. At the time, he did not have sputum, hemoptysis, or night sweats. He denied smoking or using any medications, illicit drugs, or alcohol. His physical examination was unremarkable. No diagnostic tests or radiographic studies were performed. He was placed on a 10-day course of erythromycin on an out-patient basis and got an appointment for another visit in two weeks. Thereafter, his cough became more persistent and productive in spite of the antibiotic treatment and was occasionally tinged with blood. He was also much more fatigued over the past three days. Today, one week after the initial visit, he called us and came back. On presentation, he was afebrile and in no acute distress, but had mild generalized wheezing.His oxygen saturation was 96% while breathing ambient air.

[Sample 2]入院症例


The patient is a 16-year-old Samoan female high school student who admitted to our hospital because of swelling of the face, arms, and legs and a 12-kg weight gain over the past three weeks.


She had been in excellent health and never been edematous until three weeks before admission, when she developed nasal congestion, sore throat, cough, fever, and chills. Those symptoms subsided over several days with no specific therapy except three-day use of ibuprofen. Ten days before admission, she found her face puffy in the morning, and on the following day, she also noticed her feet swelling and difficulty putting on her shoes. Three days before admission, She noticed darkening of her urine. She gained 12 kg of weight gradually over the past three weeks in spite of her loss of appetite. She became anuric and had vague periumbilical discomfort during the night before admission. Her physician referred her to our hospital. On admission, she was afebrile and denied headache, chest pain, dyspnea, and palpitations. She did not report any nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, melena, joint pain, purpura, rash, and pruritus.

E-mail: nakaya@deardoctor.ac
